Quickstart Tutorial for GutmannSoft InboxSpecialist
Important Terms
the relation between InboxSpecialist and other programs
Starting the program for the first
Using Inbox Preview
Setting up the Inbox Notifier
Important Terms:
Email Client: The program you use to send and receive email messages on your
PC. Common examples are Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger or Eudora.
Pop3 Server: Its a computer somewhere in the internet that is always online and that will
store all email that you receive.
InboxSpecialist: The computer program we're talking about here and that runs on your PC.
the relation between InboxSpecialist and other programs
1. InboxSpecialist connects to your pop3 server and retrieves
information about the email waiting. InboxSpecialist is able to communicate with the
server and can tell him to delete a specific email. Note that your email client is not
involved in these actions. Theoretically you even don't need an email client to perform
the operations above.
2. InboxSpecialist is not needed to retrieve your email with your email client.
3. InboxSpecialist needs an email client for its following functions:
-To display a message preview (function "preview")
-To use the "reply" function
In 99% the "reply" function will work with any email
client. In case the "preview" function does not work you can try to set up
another "Default save/Open extension". The setting for Outlook Express is eml
and for Eudora sta. Note that you can also work with InboxSpecialist without using these
Restart your system and InboxSpecialist will start up automatically
with Windows. The program sits now in your tray displaying a little icon. Right click on
that icon and a popup menu will appear.
Using Inbox Preview

Select "Show Inbox Preview".
Now you need to tell InboxSpecialist what email accounts you want to use. Click the button
"Accounts" to do that.Click here to learn how to set up an account.
After you have entered all account information you can click on "Check" or press

InboxSpecialist tries now to communicate with your pop3 server. You
can read a documentation of what is going on in the lower part of that window. A list of
all things that happened is available when you click the little black arrow. While
InboxSpecialist is communicating with the server a red ball lights up in the lower right
corner what means that the program is busy. You can not give InboxSpecialist new
instructions except pressing the button "Abort". When you press that button the
current command will be completed but the next one will not begun.

When InboxSpecialist succeeds retrieving the information about your
email account then the window will look similar like that one.

You have now the possibility to use the functions "Preview", "Delete",
"Details" and "Reply":
The "preview" function: Downloads the first x bytes of the
selected message, saves these bytes to a file and tries to execute an external program
that can display that file. The amount of bytes that are downloaded can be changed under
"settings/email preview". The preview function may fail if you don't have your
email program associated with the file extension eml.
The "delete" function: Deletes the marked email(s) from
the server.
The "details" function: Displays a window with the header
of the email. This feature is only useful for people who are familiar with the source of
email. Note that the values in the upper part of the window may be partly incorrect since
InboxSpecialist knows only the header of the email.
The "reply" function: Starts your standard email program
and fills in the sender of the marked email as the recipient as well as the subject line
adding a "re:"

Select "Show Inbox Notifier".

Right click on the blue pager-like thing that sits now on your screen and select

Make sure that the values look similar to that ones on the picture. In this example
InboxSpecialist will check for new email all 5 minutes. When new mail arrives a sound
is played by your computer and the tray icon will blink. To stop that warning you have to
click on the tray icon. Note that InboxSpecialist will only warn you when it finds a
difference in the amount of messages waiting on your pop3 server.
If you don't like how Inbox Notifier looks like you can download another appearance called
"skin". You can also draw them at you own. For new skins go to the skins section..